STILL LIFE Top Performers, Acrylic, 24x24 Pick a Color, Any Color, Pastel, 12x12 Players & Performers, Acrylic, 30x24 R U Game, Pastel & Acrylic, 12x24 Planes, Trains & Automobiles Get Your Game On 2, Acrylic, 12x24 Get Your Game On 1, Acrylic, 24x24 Ex's & Oh's - Ex Wins, Pastel, 14x14 My Artists Life, Pastel, 12x21 The Art of Art 2 - VerMonDali, Pastel, 28x40 Crash Landing, Pastel, 12x16 Monopoly Meets Mondrian, Pastel, 10x20 The Art of Art, Pastel, 24x36 A Geisha Drama, Pastel, 14x26 Captured Memories - Old Maid, Pastel, 20x20 Captured Memories II, Acrylic, 20x20 Inside the Crayon Box, Pastel, 19x29 Intruder, Acrylic, 8x16 Crayola Color II, Acrylic, 18x18 Monopolized Again, Acrylic, 24x36 Just Another Monday Morning on the Deerfoot, Pastel, 20x26 All That Glitters Pastel, 20x26 How Sweet It Is, Acrylic, 12x12 Inspiring the Artist's Life - Pastel - 18"x24"